[quote=Ricechex]Hi All,
We fought the ticket, written declaration. It was due 20 Feb and sent back via certified mail in January. The check for $290 was cashed. We have heard nothing since. Any idea how long this takes?[/quote]
I’ve arranged to have tickets fought for friends by way of a written declaration in recent years. One won and one lost. (They were left-turn-signal camera tickets.) I seem to remember that they took a little over a month to process back then. Both were submitted to the Kearny Mesa (SD) traffic court.
HOWEVER, the SD courts are extremely backed up right now, due to non-filling of positions vacated by retirees and having employees on extended leaves for various reasons.
I submitted a domestic order almost a month ago to a SD branch court and just checked on its status on 4/30. I was told by the clerk that they were currently working on orders submitted on 2/21/13 and that it would be another 1-1/2 to 2 months before the order I submitted to them was processed. Meanwhile, the client waits for an order concerning their kids.
It’s just a function of not having enough judges, courtrooms and clerks. My advice is “Don’t go there,” unless absolutely necessary. It will eat up too many years of your life and too much of your money. Work out a settlement in a dark closet as soon as practically possible. If you can’t do it, call in an experienced mediator.
I’m sure these traffic declarations are just piled high in a corner somewhere at every branch court and Kearny Mesa SD. It is well-known to them that there are a few internet “ticket-fighting mills” that crank them out by the dozens every day.
I’m not saying one shouldn’t fight their red-light camera ticket (where no officer was present). What I AM saying is that the system is broken in CA’s populous counties. They have been running on a skeleton crew for more than three years and it will only get worse before it gets better …. IF it EVER gets better. A big cause of the problem is gross overbuilding, causing the population to (artificially) triple or quadruple in the last 12 years or so in some judicial districts.