[quote=Rhett][quote=ocrenter]How did the school lose 50 students in 3 years? Essentially 1/8 of the student body disappeared within 3 years? We’re they busing kids in before, now they are not any more?
API is just another way to look at demographics. Somehow within the last 3 years the demographics changed. Either a bunch of apartments are now asigned to another school, or they stopped busing in kids, hats my best guess.[/quote]
The boundaries around here have not changed in a decade. Doyle’s predominant demographic is children of UCSD graduate students, post doctorates, and staff renting in the area. I.e. kids from educated families with little money (thus a high qualification for reduced price lunches).
At some point in time, I discovered a way to obtain spreadsheets of very detailed enrollment statistics for any school in San Diego Unified. Doyle’s reduction in students was almost entirely due to accepting fewer choice (transfer) students. In Doyle’s defense, they were simply too damned big – over 900 students at their peak. Many grade schools in San Diego Unified are not even half that size.[/quote]
so we do have a very good explanation of why the API rose.
once again, API changed only due to demographic change (in this case removal of transfer students).