You could make a short sale offer, go on a one month cruise, come home and still not have a reply.
Not sure how the auction gets their inventory, they only have a few properties. Certain lenders that are almost BK just want ANY cash, regardless of value.
They had a sale in Ontario yesterday and one in LA today.
There will be more.
Most people have too much emotion in their house to deal with while they are still there. Even when they are losing it, they cannot forget what they paid or all the memories.
They are probably losing it because they have no equity.
We are certainly no longer at the top, but I think still a long way from the bottom, and whenever/wherever the bottom is, the market isn’t going to bounce.
In retrospect, The extended flatline will determine what the bottom was.
The newer an area is that you like, the more likely you are to have choices of bargains.