Thank you very much for your kind post! 🙂 It’s admirable for you to point these things out, and stick up for other people. Thank you!
I have to admit that when I first read sdr’s post, it got my hackles up, but I tried to read it in a different way so that the personal jab was diminshed somewhat and I focused more on what he was trying to say. He probably knows that I’m not naive when it comes to business and real estate; if he doesn’t know this, it’s because he’s not paying attention.
In many years of posting on bubble blogs, I’ve always tried my best to debate the **topics** and leave personalities and emotion out of it. I’ve never felt “unheard” or felt that people didn’t pay attention to what I was saying…quite the opposite, as a matter of fact.
sdr, if you have good points to make, I’ve seen no evidence that shows being vitriolic improves one’s standing in an internet community. The most respected posters are those who leave their emotions at the door and discuss/debate facts with other well-informed people. You and I have had some back-and-forth on this before when you’ve gotten into it with other posters.
Can’t we all just get along? 😉
p.s.: I even invited you over for BBQ the other day! 🙂