Rent is China is cheap in the backwater cities away from the coast, of course you’ll be dying young from all the pollution. You’ll also be dying young in “nicer” cities such as Shanghai.
Shanghai has higher rents for “western” style apartments than Manhattan. I was out in Beijing and Shanghai a few months back, there is a huge amount of money and real estate speculators abound.
I also saw a couple Lamborghini and Roll Royce dealerships. The Chinese are now fully embracing the car culture. New cars everywhere, lots of Audis, ShanghaiGM Buicks, VWs, BMWs, etc. Endless traffic jams are clogging roads big time. This is a big change from my first trip out to China in the early 90s, back then it was still mostly bicycles.
Energy sector is still my bet for the next bubble. China is on track to be a one of the largest car markets in the world. They will be consuming alot of oil, having a big impact on the demand side.