[quote=Ren]I was pondering the wealth-through-time question recently. We have more comforts and much cooler toys than a king of 1,000 years ago, even if we have far less “wealth”. I’ll take my flush toilet and memory foam over his treasure room (and his 40-year, disease and infection-ridden life) every day of the week.
I think we can safely throw any two-income rule out the window, as it all depends on the area. We live in Temecula and have two SD incomes, which makes us wealthy compared to many of our neighbors. That extra income is all savings. If we owned a comparable house near the coast, we would be living close to the edge of our means even with the two incomes, which I agree is the worst position to be in. Security first, material things second.[/quote]
Lucky for you, we don’t have a choice, as we are tied to our workplaces in La Jolla so automatically have to live within reasonable distance and much closer to the edge of our means.