[quote=Ren][quote=CDMA ENG]
So why I am so object to his death? It is exactly what he wanted and needed. To die a Martry at the hands of the US and to rally his fighters. Not to die alone, miserable, and not a martyr like a rat in a cage…
I agree it could have been handled a lot better – he deserved to rot in a cage, or at least be pig food. Burying him quickly “according to Islamic traditions” was a HUGE mistake (we’re apologetic even in a moment like that?? I’d have thrown him into an alligator pit). But I also don’t think he looked like a martyr. He lived and died a coward, in better conditions than most of his minions have ever seen, and they’ll realize that.
The important thing is that the net effect for them is demoralizing (the most clever and resourceful among them cannot escape us), no matter how they try to spin it, and boy will they try to spin it…[/quote]
Burial at sea was the perfect choice for a dead body. (Had he been alive, it would have been a whole different story.) At sea, there is no grave. No memorial to permanently celebrate his martyrdom. I suspect the location where the corpse was dumped (probably still bleeding, and well weighted, in accordance with Islamic law, of course) won’t ever be disclosed for that same reason.