>> I’m aware that a 500hp car driven at the limit will consume more than a 60hp Civic.
Not only that, but it will consume 5x the oil when driven the way
a typical civic is driven, and MUCH MORE if driven if driven by a speed and acceleration enthusiast.
It might interest people to know that Nascar and Formula 1 cars get about 4-6 mpg (FOUR TO SIX ) and 3mpg in a race. And they are not even doing any useful work, they are just going round in circles
>>Carbon dioxide and water (also an exhaust emission) aren’t dangerous to people or the environment.
CO2 is dangerous without being toxic. It is dangerous for two reasons:
1. climate change
2. CO2 emissions is directly proportional to oil consumption. High oil consumption causes future energy deficits.
There are people who deny both 1 and 2. Category 1 are know as climate-change deniers. I guess we’ll have to come up with a name for category 2. Perhaps 1st-law-of-thermodynamics deniers? Or Immaculate oil conceptionists?