Regardless of what GW believes with respect to religion and/or God, he is doing what needs to be done to make the terrorists think twice before hitting us again. Clinton’s religion was his polls. He did nothing substantive after the first world trade center bombing. His inaction was an invitation for more.
The US has made some mistakes, a number of the them big. For instance, we should have taken Iraq’s oil to pay for the war. But the bleeding hearts (aka weaklings) in this country would have risen up in arms over such a thing.
It seems like a lot of people have forgotten what it felt like to be watching TV on September 11 as the towers fell. I was 20 miles south of DC that morning, worrying about my children because they were reporting that a highjacked plane was right over our heads. My neighbor’s office was destroyed at the Pentagon but he was lucky enough to be away that morning. I won’t forget what the Pentagon looked like when I drove by it a few days later.
It will happen again if we show weakness. Unfortunately, the American public is wavering and our enemies know it.