Regarding John Hokkanen’s Post Reported Market Times, he explains his method of getting months of inventory.
He wrote
“What I like about the months of inventory approach is that you can see how different price brackets in different areas are faring. I’ve run the numbers for many areas in North County, and there are some clear breaking points. In most of the coastal areas (Oceanside, Encinitas, Carlsbad, etc.), the inventory for any bracket under $1M is under 10 months, usually around 7-8. Above $1M, things begin to soften (e.g., Encinitas goes to 16 months of inventory above $1.25M), but, for the most part, things are delayed but not in a crisis situation.
HOWEVER, if you compare the months of inventory to the inland markets, things change pretty dramatically. For San Marcos and Escondido, the over $1.25M price bracket yields around THREE YEARS of inventory. That number is GROWING because the sales rate has, since March, declined for the most part. ” – John Hokkanen
John, could you post more months of inventory by zip code, and also, for neighborhoods within zip codes if there happens to be a difference for certain tracts?