Re-read my post…….I said the 6% commission is based on getting “both ends of the deal” (i.e. acting as the listing agent AND selling agent).
Surely a veteran such as yourself is hip to the slang that any 1st-year greenhorn realtor picks up right?
And as far as griping about what Adam sells and how much he lets his clients pay? Have you ever even talked to him? I’m starting to think not.
My first meeting with him began with him stating that he felt it was still too soon to be buying. I’ve also been impressed with the fact that he seems to have the propensity to be an even bigger cheapskate than me! What I mean is he has been LESS enthused about our offers than me, which speaks volumes if you knew how I like to sniff out a bargain.
Now that’s saying a lot since I pride myself on never having paid retail for anything in my life!
Maybe the two SD REALTOR’s on this site are so much alike that they repel from each other, like trying to put 2 north-pole magnets together.