RDeniro hit the nail on the head, the Clintons are good at what they do and getting McCain elected is exactly what she wants for the reasons Deniro listed.
I’m so ready for a third party, I don’t like any of the three enough to get excited. Politics aside, I just don’t think I can make it through an entire term with Hillary on the radio every day without some form of mood altering elevating precription drug, her voice makes my skin crawl. Obama has a calming voice, McCain is like listening to the guys at the barber shop but Hillary will definately cause me to buy lots of cd’s and avoid all media outlets. A month ago I thought Obama had it in the bag but Hillary is going to prevent it.
Maybe I’ll go with sattelite radio and just ignore politics for a decade.
Before we get all bent out of shape, the federal government has so little influence on our real lives, I want more freeways and that’s all I want from the government, the fed doesn’t build freeways so it is of little concern to me. I want the guy who runs the company that built all the freeways in L.A. after the earthquake in a month to president.