[quote=Raybyrnes]Bristol Chicken
Complete Bullshit. Tiger woods is a complete athlete unlike most golfers. Add in the fact that Tiger woods is a Stanford Grad and I would say that makes him a pretty good catch.
His wife is definitely a complete fox and would have made a lot of money modeling. Simple trade off here . no winner no loser. Don’t think she ever had to think about the money. There was plenty there should she elected to make it. Tiger knew that too.[/quote]
Money, jock, degree from good school equals good catch? Where does the part about going to prostitutes on the side fit in there with the good catch part? I think some want to revel in tigers “conquests” on some sort of macho ego trip, but face it, “Tiger the plumber” could also get female like these as often as he could afford, if he was prone to going to hookers.