raptor – I hope by my post you did not take offense. I did not mean to be in any way derogatory and I respect you for whatever wealth you have and from your posts I never sensed any form of arrogance or entitlement, but on the contrary, levelheaded and sure of what you want, and persistent, determined, all good qualities that I admire.
That said, I guess I might as well say that being I woman I understand the urge to have/own a house and that desire is strong in me. However, I also understand the value of money and that keeps me from getting a house if there’s a possibility that money will be lost. Work too hard for it. Don’t like losing it.
Still, that doesn’t mean if I found that special house, I wouldn’t want to buy it. It’s happened before. I’ve made offers that were not accepted. Walked away over 100k on one place. Funny thing is that the person who bought it has a NOD on it. Maybe I got lucky not buying it.
raptor, again she’s a lucky lady and hopefully she’ll realize the decision and small sacrifice to rent now may work out better in the long run.