[quote=qwerty007]Firstly, we don’t know that he will raise taxes.
Tax is always unfair, and we all hate it, but it has become a necessary evil.
…we need to put our selfish differences behind us…[/quote]
I agree with a lot that, but isn’t the first thing Obama plans to do is repeal the Bush tax cuts?
Yes, taxes are a necessary evil, but my question is why is the Gov’t solution always to raise them when it comes to crunch time? Why can’t they manage $3 Trillion responsibly? Cut spending?!?
I’ll be the first to say Americans’ greed and sense of entitlement is long overdue for a dose of reality, and I have no problem helping out my fellow brother in need. I’d rather help the starving children on our streets though, than some HELOC refi on already welfare and unemployment.
What I don’t want is Obama at the reigns, spending my hard-earned money, on people that don’t deserve the help, and whatever special interest groups he caters to.
With the Community Reinvestment Act Obama helped poor and minority families get into “affordable” housing Governemnt assistance ala FNM, FMAC.
It was called subprime, and it didn’t exactly turn out well.