[quote]In early 2008 food riots broke out all over the third world because oil IS food.[/quote]
Wrong. Food commodity market was manipulated by the same forces that caused bubbles in zinc and palladium. There’s ample supply of arable land on Earth to feed twice or more the current population at even $100/bbl oil.
[quote]too funny – comparing zinc, palladium and gold and expecting them to follow the same trends[/quote]
Can we compare platinum, silver and gold? Or is it necessary for the metal to be useless industrially to be considered valid money in your universe?
[quote]but the strength of your conviction (or lack thereof) in a coming gold crash is belied by your unwillingness to put any money on the line with me.[/quote]
It’s not that I lack conviction in a coming gold crash … it’s that I lack conviction in you. I just don’t see you as trustworthy enough to bet against, especially compared to my broker. No offense. If you can convince a neutral third party (e.g. Rich) to keep money in escrow, then we can talk. I made enough money in the stock market this year, I can afford to lose a couple hundred bucks.
[quote]check out the Chinese – they aren’t just spitting into the wind – they intend to have the next reserve currency and they will back it with precious metals[/quote]