[quote]I wonder how Obama supporters will feel when names like “Chimpy” and “Curious George” are used to describe the new president. [/quote]
Curious George was one of the worst presidents this country has seen. Already in 2000 it was obvious to anyone with half a brain. He’s less qualified to be the president than Sarah Palin.
[quote]Clinton’s group simply rode the wave of good work that preceeded them. 12 years of Reaganomics![/quote]
I thought it was 7 years of losing manufacturing jobs to Japan, followed by a stock market crash, followed by one of the worst recessions of the 20th century.
Gee what does that remind me of? Oh yes I know. By your logic, Obama’s group will ride the wave of good work (8 years of Bushonomics) that preceded them.
[quote]let him bring back Robert Rubin. You know the guy that sits on the Citigroup board. The guy who’s incompentency ruined Citigroup. Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary.[/quote]
Sitting ot the board does not make one responsible for ruining the company. If he were a CEO or a CFO, I might agree with you.
While we’re at it, why don’t you look up Henry Paulson (you know, the one appointed Treasury Secretary by Curious George) and find out who we was up until his appointment in 2006.