[quote]I can’t prove SDUSD schools is any worse than Poway schools when account for demographic, but I can point out diversity in student capability will bring down the ceiling for a lot of the good students. When I was in HS, we had AP classes canceled on us because not enough students signed up. That wouldn’t happen in schools like TPHS or RBHS.[/quote]
In schools like TPHS or RBHS, the opposite could happen – your kids could be denied access to AP classes due to limited space and strict prerequisites.
An example I gave in Mahogany/Rockledge thread is that San Dieguito requires 4 years of honors algebra as a prerequisite for AP Calculus/Statistics, and one year of honors algebra as a prerequisite for AP Chemistry. RBHS has especially low AP exam rate per student, given its demographics. Both MMHS and SRHS students take more AP exams than RBHS students. SRHS students pass more AP exams per capita, too. Something’s fishy there, too.
And then there are other aspects, such as class rank and weighted GPA …