[[email protected]]I am the friend and here is some of the reasoning.
1) Housing cost- For $350k I can purchase a newer home with 4-5 bdrms, and 3 plus baths, with a pool and a 3 car garage for my boat 😉
2)Even if I find something in my price range here there is a slim chance I will get it, it will be similar to the house in South Park where I was told I can’t even look at it unless I submit an offer.
3) This house Arizona would be in a high end neighborhood with premier schools while here for that I would get a condo in a low end neighborhood with poor schools take (10 out of 10 versus 5 out of ten using south park as an example).
4)This brings us to education…California has 500 plus million in unfunded teacher pensions and no plan how to pay for it, unless the genius Browns magic bullet train is the first train to be profitable.
5) Longterm Goals- it is difficult to plan for college tuition, retirement and gain equity when my wife has the best paying job she has ever had and we are living paycheck to paycheck in a 1000sq. ft rental for 2k/mo.
Maybe its hot, of Course I will miss surfing but its seems like a smart move even though some may disagree.[/quote]
Bullet train? that was random?