[quote=briansd1]Allan, no, I don’t blame conservatives for everything.
“But I do blame conservatives for not living up to their own high moral standards.”
Judge the individual.
“For example sex. I think that adultery is no big deal. It’s something that should be worked-out between the partners involved and it’s none of anyone else’s business. As long at it’s legal, it’s fine by me.”
Elaborate in terms of defining a relationship and how important keeping ones word is. How does this relate to your code of ethics? How does that code of ethics hold a high moral ground?
“But for a conservative politician, who incessantly quotes the Bible, a sex scandal is huge deal. He should resign because he violated his own rules. ”
Yes he should.
“I feel sorry for Mark Sanford. He didn’t do anything morally or legally wrong in my book. If it weren’t for his past moral preachings, he should be allowed to remain in office and continue the affair while in office.”
This depends on how important it is to stick to your own stated values. This is one universal standard we can judge each other by.