[quote] zzz: I can tell from your naive post that you have basically no clue what your talking about.
Or are/were you a FB for “some” reason? [/quote]
paramount, wow so since you have nothing to say in your own defense you resort to accusing me of being naive? that is hilarious. in response to your question, no i’m not a screwed irresponsible person with no morals. there is nothing naive about expecting people to live up to their contracts. what good are they if people just walk? do you justify this because everyone else is doing it? this is absolutely about your family, do you want to teach your children that screwing others is ok? regardless of whether you are wronged, two wrongs do not make a right. i waste my time typing these obvious simplistic tenants of what people with character believe in because clearly you didn’t learn right from wrong.
stop your crying and act like a responsible adult.
you brought this on yourself with your post. if you didn’t want to hear honest feedback perhaps you shouldn’t post on a forum. go crawl back under your rock