[quote] federal drug czar Gil Kerlikowske proclaimed, “Legalization is not in the president’s vocabulary, and it’s not in mine.”[/quote]
Why is it that political appointees always feel the need to talk in such a bizarre manner? I would be truly stunned if Obama doesn’t know the word legalization. Who the heck would said “Legalization is not in my vocabulary”? Why can’t politicians just talk honestly? Why must they always wrap their words in ridiculous hyperbole? To me this is just a huge red flag that someone is talking out their you know what.
If Drug Czar Kerlikowske wants to add something meaningful to the public discourse on the dangers of legalization, then fine, make an intelligent statement!
And lastly, why the heck do we call them Czars? Weren’t Czars corrupt and belligerent? Wasn’t that why they were overthrown and beheaded? (Or where they shot in front of a firing squad… can’t remember) Is the name Czar supposed to make me respect them or something? What kind of person takes a job where your title is Czar?