Re. health care reform, tort reform is at the top of my list. Improve the economy, cut taxes, including corporate. It is working in Germany. Really improve the economy, get rid of the IRS and make it a flat tax. Improve schools, vouchers. It is easier than you think, but there are too many parasites dependent on the existing system for any of this to ever happen. I look forward to the revolution where the entrenched crooks like Pelosi, Boxer, etc. are shown the door by the voters. I told you arrogance will do them in and so it has. Holder may be next.
P.S. Obama is going to have a break down if he does not chill out. He is sounding positively histrionic. His pathetic need to be loved and his delusion that his election was a landslide are feeding into his cognitive dissonance. The next time one of the Gitmo returnees is caught in an act of terrorism is going to ignite another voter backlash. Obama’s approval rating is now in negative territory. How low will it go? I am not sure if he is a Jimmy Carter or a Lyndon Johnson.