[quote=publicdefender]so insteadof the past practices where appraisers would be paid to come in with high appraisals, now the emphasis will be coming in with the lowest possible appraisal and then claiming poverty? and if these regster as sales, wont this practice decimate housing prices. setting aside the moral hazard issues, which are obviously kind of sickening for responsible people who waited to buy, wouldn’t this accelerate a race to the bottom for “market value” as the lower the appraisal the better deal the homeowner (that term needs to be made illegal under this new law and its use made punishable by ineligibility for any further govt aid)) would receive. who would jump in and buy a house when all the current people are getting free money from the govt? wouldnt you just wait for that fiasco to play out so the market can do its work again?[/quote]