There is no discrepancy. Chris’ chart is a 13- YEAR chart.
I plotted the currect rally which is THREE months
The current rally is NOT DUE TO A FEW DOW STOCKS.
Furthermore, the underperfomance of S&P 500 verdsus Dow on Chris’ chart all happened between 2000 and 2003. This is OLD NEWS. Since 2003 The S&P 500 and the DOW have tracked nearly identically. GO look at Chris’ chart and see it. The gap between S&P and DOW has remained constant for three years,
If you look over the last FIVE YEARS (chart below), you can see that the NASDAQ has outperformed the DOW and that the DOW and S&P are about even. Go chart it and prove it to yourself. Don’t take some bullshit claim by some analyst that the recent rally was due to a few Dow Stocks. It is not. Click on the chart below to see.
[img_assist|nid=1822|title=FIVE YEAR DOW, S&P and NASDAQ|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=100|height=75]