Property, I agree a website would be great. I think there are a few categories when looking at supporting parents. Simplistically, there are parents that have not become incapacitated and those that are and need full time care – IE in home or in nursing homes. For parents who do not qualify for Medical, Medicare, but simply hampered by illness that depletes their funds, what is the best way to support them without depleting your own funds or severely limiting your own life. Is it all up to the kids, or are there are support mechanisms out there?
Part of the equation is certainly the national healthcare plan in question. Certainly if older folks had access to affordable healthcare, that would be a huge cost burden that would be simplified versus today where costs can spiral out of control and bankrupt someone. Really illness can bankrupt anyone, not just those that are elderly. I think the issue however is that as you get older, you have less employment options, and certainly if you are ill AND need employment to pay your bills. I read an article recently that indicated many employers hesitate to hire older people due to perceived higher medical costs.