Problem with Taibbi is that he performs excellent hatchet jobs (such as his piece on Palin), without ever really resorting to facts, or, when he offers something as fact, it has a tendency to either be overblown or somewhat mis-stated (his writings on Goldman during the Great Depression are a good example of this: There isn’t anything behind his assertion that Goldman was running riot bilking the public during the Great Depression, his argument is cut from whole cloth).
Similarly, his use of Gibson Greetings collapse is problematic: Gibson was a victim of fraud, not Goldman Sachs. Anyone familiar with the Orange County debacle in 1994 (and I was working as a CFO for an insurance broker, Willis, in Irvine in ’94 and watched the whole thing go down) knows it had nothing to do with Goldman Sachs and everything to do with ignorance on the part of the Orange County Comptroller Citron.