Home › Forums › Other › Healthcare is not a right!? › pri_dk wrote:treehugger
[quote=pri_dk][quote=treehugger]My sister is 40 years old. 5’8″ 350 pounds.
Me 38 years old. 5’7″ 120 pounds[/quote]
A 300+ pound difference in weight between two siblings? That’s pretty unusual. Should we be basing national policy on such a single, extreme, example?
I’m no fan of sloth and gluttony, but most people couldn’t bring their weight up to 350 pounds even if they wanted to (I know I couldn’t).
And you really think the difference is simply that “she’s lazy and I’m not.”
Did ever occur to you, in the past three decades that you’ve known her, that she might actually have a medical condition?[/quote]
It doesn’t diminish your point, but I think you meant to say 200+ pound difference.