[quote=pri_dk][quote=sdrealtor]As soon as the word risk comes up, she automatically takes it to mean financial derivitive engineers and their ilk on Wall Street. I beleive in the capitalistic ideals this country was founded on. That taking risk with ones time and money to innovate is what should be rewarded. Instead of going to work with ATT (pre-privatization/break up of Baby Bells) that could mean joining a start-up in SD called QCOM not knowing if you would have a job next month. It could mean taking a job at a biotech start-up working on a cancer drug instead of working for the state toxicology lab. It could mean going to college and med school (most dont make it) instead of becoming an EMT. It could mean opening a new restaurant like Panera Bread instead of working as a cook at the employee cafeteria in the County Services building. When people take risk like that they more often than not fail and those that succeed should be rewarded. That is how innovation and progress occurs. That is what made this country great and will keep it great instead of being another failed Socialist regime like the USSR, East Germany etc.[/quote]
Well said.[/quote]
No, the kind of “risks” people are referring to when they talk about the risk-takers who’ve improved the quality of life, made things more efficient, and increased productivity are the ones who come up with their own ideas and/or the ones who finance them directly.
Going to work for a private company vs a public company as an employee doesn’t count.
If you want to do some research (which so many here seem incapable of), dig deeper into where the funding for the vast majority of basic research comes from. It’s not the private market and the high-paid risk-takers who are taking the greatest risks. It comes from taxpayers in almost every case.