[quote=pri_dk][quote]Public workers often work themselves to death […][/quote]
Melodramatic, but true.
But why not tell the whole truth:
“All classes of workers often work themselves to death.”
Or do you actually believe the hardships of ordinary life never happen to the 90% of the workforce that aren’t in the public sector?[/quote]
Agreed, but it would stand to reason that for a worker who works for an employer without a “defined benefit plan,” that there isn’t as much incentive to stay on the payroll (even if they hate the job or organization or are technically “sick”) in order to vest, reach a certain age to collect a pension or qualify for Medicare (since many public employers’ retirement systems do not fully subsidize health care benefits). If an employee is sick, or was sick in the last ten years or so, it would be folly for them to give up their health benefits and go on COBRA (since an individual plan for them would no doubt be very cost-prohibitive). This huge healthcare issue applies to ALL workers (government and private sector).