Before going any further with the “get the money from Wall Street” argument, please provide a short list of names of people who should “lose everything and then some.”
Along with their names, give an estimate of their net worth.
I’ll bet you a fireman’s pension that you that you can’t come up with a list of people that “deserve to lose everything” whose combined net worth equals even half of the public-sector pension shortfalls in the US.
In other words, “Wall Street” doesn’t have enough money to “give back” even if you took every single cent of it.
You may have to click a few times before you find any evil Wall Street types.
(BTW: It seems that many of those awful “one-percenters” are computer types – do you use any of their products?)
I look forward to you demonstrating your “above average” knowledge of economics and finance.[/quote]
Have you ever managed to debate a topic without resorting to childish and completely unproductive personal attacks? I ignored the first attack on this thread, but you make it extremely difficult to have a civil, fact-based discussion about things when you keep trying to attack posters personally vs. staying on topic. It shows that you are incapable of making an intelligent argument.
Unless you can show us why you feel you’re so much more “knowledgeable” than everyone else here regarding economics, I suggest you try to stick to facts and logic to make your point.