[quote=pri_dk][quote=CA renter]You have consistently brought your Fox propaganda to the debate and declared it as “fact.”[/quote]
Just when it seemed you could not get more desperate, you spew this nonsense.
I am the most outspoken critic of Fox news on this site. I can easily show you several threads I’ve started in the past year or two that are harshly critical of Fox and the Republican/Tea Party platform. There is an active thread right now where I have pointed out the fallacies of the latest right-wing propaganda (the ‘privilege of being American thread.’)
Sorry, you don’t get to play the partisan card here. My position on this issue is based upon objective facts.
[quote]Of course, you consistently “edit” other people’s posts …[/quote]
I have never modified the text of someone’s quote. Learn what the brackets [] mean. Here’s some help with your homework:
Also, like sdr mentioned in the other thread. I have never been directly critical of public sector employees. While others here have (wrongly) labeled them as lazy or corrupt, I have not made any such generalizations. You believe I have said these things but you will find no evidence here to support your claims (I do believe that many unions are corrupt, but they are private entities.)
[quote]I supposed you’ll only be happy when capitalists/bankers own everything while workers slave away at their $5.00/week jobs to pay their masters.[/quote]
Nope. I’ll be happy when the state of California and the USA have sound and sustainable fiscal policies. I’ll also be happy when we have an equitable national healthcare program that provides basic care to all at taxpayer expense. Don’t try to paint me as some Sarah Palin Republican, I am anything but that.
I understand that you like to see the world in simple black/white terms: Public workers are always paid what they are worth, anyone in the financial industries are sinister villains with curly mustaches, everything is invented by the government, private corporations produce nothing…
Reality has a little more nuance.
As for facts, I will repeat a key one that I included in my last post. One which you completely ignored:
And a little cut and paste, since you take so much liberty with the space on these pages, I will do likewise this time:
1 ActBlue
2 AT&T Inc 3 American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees
4 National Assn of Realtors 5 Service Employees International Union 6 National Education Assn
7 Goldman Sachs
8 American Assn for Justice 9 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 10 American Federation of Teachers 11 Laborers Union 12 Teamsters Union 13 Carpenters & Joiners Union 14 Communications Workers of America
15 Citigroup Inc
16 American Medical Assn 17 United Food & Commercial Workers Union 18 United Auto Workers
19 National Auto Dealers Assn 20 Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union[/quote]
Why didn’t you bold the NAR, AMA, National Auto Dealers Assn, etc.? There is no difference between them and the other groups you’ve highlighted. Perhaps you think they and their lobbyists are pure and deserving of govt. largesse?
I’ve addressed this point in another thread. You cannot compare **whole unions** (representing millions of workers across the country) with individual corporations or individual people who represent the interests of very few people. Of course the unions will be larger — they represent far more people than individual companies. Let’s look at the top 500 donors and lobbyists and see whether labor or capital is contributing the most money, overall.
I never said that the private sector didn’t innovate (there you go twisting other people’s words). What I said was that the government provides the majority of the funding for basic research. That is a fact. Without this basic research, the private sector would have been far less innovative. What I’ve said is that the public and private markets are symbiotic. One cannot exist without the other.
YOU are the one who tries to paint things in black and white. You’ve repeatedly said that 100% of innovation has come from capitalist countries. That is totally untrue. You’ve made the claim that the public sector is a burden which the private sector has to bear. That is also false. Without the public sector, the private sector would resemble what is seen in countries without a strong (even large) government and very low/no taxes. I’ve posted sites where you can compare the data for yourself, but you’ve never attempted to do any research. You just spout the nonsense from your high school econ class as if it’s fact. Don’t just listen to what others tell you to believe. Do your own research and see for yourself.