pri_dk – I wish I had a good answer for you – at this point I can’t clearly identify the lines between government / banking / judicial system / corporations
the only rule that seems to apply is that if you are part of the elite or connected to them, there are no rules
you are implying that govt regulation is part of the answer – I would agree with you IF there weren’t so many instances of the regulators blatantly ignoring warning signs – numerous people warned the SEC about Madoff (made off with the money, he did!) yet they turned a blind eye – several people are warning the CFTC about ilegal and manipulative short positions in the silver and gold markets yet the regulators fail to address their complaints
another point of discussion would be all of the Goldman Sachs executives who are now in power seats of international banking and government – a subtopic would be about corporate CEOs who move back and forth between govt positions and private positions – as a case study we might look and see who made the electrical power industry deregulation possible and what their connection to Enron was – repeal of Glass-Seagall Act enabled all the banking/investment games of the last decade which provided the banking lobbyists with lots of money for politicians who enacted more laws that benefited the banking industry …
And who is the government representing these days? There are 42,000 lobbyists in Washington, D.C. everyday – are they working on your behalf?
I don’t know all the answers but more govt doesn’t seem to be a good answer to any of the questions that I have – now, its chore time …