PRI, my fabrication of quotes was actually started by SK and was more of a joke than anything else, but I guess it would take someone like you, without a sense of humor, to make that sort of comment.
Bob, my comments probably reflect more frustration than the type of money involved. Just so you understand, I run a small operation and I would be at a much different level of venting if I was larger, so in essence your comments are true. My deals are 7+ figure deals. As far as my experience, I am still in my 30’s and I will be the first to admit I still have plenty of learning to do, but you can ask the hundreds of people I have done business with in the past and they will all tell you that I am one of the most trustworthy, honest and ethical businessmen they have ever dealt with. Your assumptions are simply that!! I am not looking for business on Piggington, I am looking for people have opinions that we can base our conversations off of. I learn something new everyday on this site as there is plenty of knowledge passed around.
Your last sentence is bizarre! Read the entire post and then read when SK jumped into the conversation. His attitude is what frustrated me simply because he wants to use technical terms to call me a lender. His post was merely a way of starting an argument as he knew how I felt about the subject. Had he approached the situation in a different manner I probably wouldn’t have been so frustrated. No need to explain myself as I am passionate about certain things!!