PRI and SV, let’s say an owner has two rental homes all with plenty of equity and he would like to move these homes. He was able to find two separate buyers that were unable to qualify for a conventional loan but the owner was willing to carry back a note on these properties. Does this make him a lender? How can anyone argue that he would be considered a lender? Sure if you want to use technical terms like SK uses he would probably be considered a lender and a criminal, but get real.
Now on to PRI’s ridiculous comments. If you had any understanding of the business you wouldn’t make such an ignorant comment. We don’t do very many owner (company) financed deals, but we do more than 1 every 3 years. We are doing our part trying to create jobs in a down economy and it seems that at every turn our government is doing a great job at making it more difficult for companies to succeed.
SK, I am very impressed that you can assume I am a religious zealot from my comments above, but call me whatever makes you feel better!!!