Pretty pictures. Since the large drop in both total listings and short sales in march, there has been a steady increase in both, but the percent increase is always bigger in short sales continuing the great linear increase in percent of total listing that are short sales (green line in the second figure).
Note: For fairness, I repeated the first figure using the same scale for both numbers to remove the scaling effect in the first figure.
[img_assist|nid=3355|title= Total Listings and short sales|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=308]
[img_assist|nid=3356|title= Percent change and percent total listings that are short|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=308]
[img_assist|nid=3357|title= Unscaled listing numbers|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=308]