Pretty good but he missed step 13, which will be happening soon. Because of the extreme spending cuts forced by step 11, fed/state/local governments will soon be forced to auction off public capital (paid for by our tax dollars) to private interests, likely the same ones that ran this whole scam. The end result will be corporate takeover of essential services like energy, water, sewage, garbage, dams, radio/tv spectrum, SS, medicare, VA, etc… as well as the transfer of public lands (BLM, etc…) into private hands. The genius is that they will be able to purchase these hard assets using the taxpayers’ own money! So not only will taxpayers have paid for them in the first place, they will give private interests the money to purchase them back! Pure genius. Evil yes, but still it’s pretty amazing what they have done.
Naomi Klein covers this in her book, “The Shock Doctrine.” Essential reading.