Powayseller – What is there to protect? Some would say “Your good name.”
People like to be anonymous to protect their positions. If you really want to experience the true essence of a person, watch what they say or do (or don’t say or do) when they believe they can’t be held accountable for their actions (or non-actions).
This forum is particularly revealing of its participants characters because “Nothing is more revealing about a person than their anonymity”. Being invisible tells us volumes about the phantom in diguise.
Becaue when someone believes they are safe from reprisal (or even praise), when they believe they are essentially invisible, they will let their true selves out. They will act in ways and say and do things that they wouldn’t say or do under “normal” circumstances.
And knowing a person’s name, seeing a picture of them or even meeting them in the flesh, doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is no longer “anonymous”…they can still hide out.
For to truly reveal ones self, you need to take total responsibility for who you are, and that includes communicating responsibly by owning the response that you get, regardless of what you think you intended to say.
Then and only then will you lose your anonymity and those receiving your communications will come to truly know you and you will then be authentic in your interactions with others. Nothing will be hidden, all will be revealed.
“The meaning of the communication is the response that you get.” In other words, how another responds to what you have said (or not said), reveals your true intent in that particular communication.
Thanks for having the courage to reveal your name. I am glad that you feel free in doing that, yet until you are not, you will always be powayseller to me…and “saying who you are” is revealed far more to me in the words that you write and in the actions that you take, than in the name by which you are called.
By reading your posts, which are honest, straightforward and candid, I already “know who you are”… someone I am honored to be acquainted with and someone who deserves my respect for her willingness and courage to share herself by participating in this forum. You consistently reveal who you are everytime you post and I get that you care deeply about everyone on this forum.
By being willing to participate in this forum, all of us add value to these discussions and we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect in our communications with one another. Who we are (individually and collectively) is clearly revealed in our responses to one another and more importantly, by the responses we receive from one another.
Remember: “Integrity is what you do when no one is looking.”