Powayseller, free speech means only that government may not punish you for voicing your opinion. Have I suggested that the government should lock you up?
Free speech does not mean that others are prohibited from disagreeing with you.
Free speech does not mean that the press can publish/or report a story that aids our enemies (like reporting government secrets, military positions, movements or plans).
A good example of people who do not understand free speech is the country band The Dixie Chicks. They bad-mouthed the President while overseas. This resulted in angering many Americans who had previously been their fans. Those same former fans quit listening to The Dixie Chicks (me included). Radio stations quit playing their songs because the people listening did not want to hear them anymore. From the beginning of their stupidity, they have been whining about how their right to free speech has been hampered. This is so absurd. Sure, they have a right to spout their anti-Bush stuff. Their audience also has a right to refuse to listen to them anymore. Their problems have nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with the fact they are entertainers who rely on their fans for success. No more fans means no more success.