Why on earth would you want to post something about a non-anonymous person that could be interpreted by other readers as negative? Jim is a realtor for his livelihood and does not have the cloak of anonymity that you get to enjoy. This is outrageous. Do not even try to recant and think that the fact you’ve dropped in some positive comments justifies presenting such an analysis of the efforts of someone who is clearly trying to do his best to keep people informed.
Folks, Jim maintains a web site that provides us a very nice and unique look at what’s going on out there. HE POSTS REAL DATA, and any prospective client can go ahead and examine that data in detail, along with Jim’s analysis of the data and what is happening in the market. There are plenty of folks in this world who will by a home for the long term even if they know $200K is going to get shaved off the top. Now is clearly a better time to buy than 2004 or 2005. Will it be better still in 2008? It depends on the needs of the buyer, and Jim has a clear understanding of the diversity of needs among his current and prospective client base.
Frankly, Poway, you need to study up on how the world uses fundamental data to predict the directions of the markets. First, understand which pieces of data and which specific sections of reports the WISE money looks at, and second, the significant limitations of using even the right data and leading indicators for predicting which way the markets are going to go. I don’t mind when your carrying on about housing- a market whose status even the general media has now caught onto, but when you start crowing about the dollar and other issues you clearly know very little about (like the stock market), I start to get a little irked.
You missed a 10% runup in stocks, as did all the other folks who were influenced by the highly effective cheerleading you do to promote your market timing plays. Please pull back a little bit, particularly when you start making assessments on non-anonymous folks that start to lie in the gray area that could easily be interpreted as negative by the casual reader.