A friendly advice: be careful what you wish for. You have very strong beliefs, and it seems to me that you’re looking for validation, not advice. You want a broker to guide your hand, but you also want a broker to give you exactly the advice you want to hear (economy is going into the tank, and go short). If the broker/advisor tells you to go long or stay in cash, you’re not happy.
To make a somewhat cynical analogy, you’re like the patient convinced that she has a certain disease, and shopping for doctors in the hope that one will diagnose it “correctly”.
Powayseller, you either trust yourself to be right, and in that case you don’t need an advisor, just open an account at Schwab, or Ameritrade, or whatever, and trade according to your beliefs. Or you trust an advisor, and give that person your money to invest as he/she thinks it’s best. You really can’t have it both ways.