[quote=poway_seller]”So 100 watt burning for an hour will cost 1/10 of a kilowatt hour (100/1000) x the rate of 20 cents or say .02 per hour, or 48 cents a day. So if you left if on for 24 hours and 30 days that 100 watt light bulb would be about $15 bucks a month.”
sounds like my biggest issue may come from lighting as well.. nearly all recessed. I should check the wattage on all. problem is all are on electronic dimmers, and most CFL lightbulbs fail on electronic dimmers. The only ones that I’ve found that work on dimmers are Phillips bulbs and they are $12 each. So multiply that by 100 lights and it gets expensive! Cost vs. savings needed on that one…
Forgot to mention also have 2 40 pint per day capacity dehumifidiers that run 24 hours per day on 1st floor (which is below grade and back wall has moisture to pull out). I guess I need to find the wattage on those.[/quote]
Lights are expensive and its the last place you really look because you can’t really appreciate the cost until you sit down and run the numbers.