Positive. The mercury in vaccines has been eliminated or reduced significantly. How do you explain that “us” the older people who got much more mercury in our bodies from vaccines, fillings and such haven’t nearly as much autism as the kids nowadays.
We older folks had many fewer vaccinations, and we had them when we were older. Polio, MMR, and whooping cough and that was about it. And they didn’t give them to kids under 2. Now look at the CDC vaccination schedules. Hep B at one month! Absolutely crazy. They are getting dozens of vaccinations by the time they are 6 where we only had 2 or 3. There’s your difference right there. I don’t know about the mercury but the number of vaccinations and the age they’re doing them at is a big difference between now and then.
Also, you don’t typically get fillings until you’re nearly grown. The mercury in amalgam fillings causes other types of neurological damage besides autism, which appears before most people need fillings at all.