[quote=poorgradstudent][quote=zk]The republicans’ main objective seems to be to defeat Obama. So I don’t understand why Jon Huntsman isn’t getting more votes. He and Romney are the only two, in my opinion, who have a chance in hell of beating Obama. Heck, I’d consider voting for Huntsman, and I think a lot of moderates would.[/quote]
The best explanation I’ve heard on why Huntsman hasn’t been able to build more support is he’s not the greatest “retail” politician. He sounds good on paper and did ok at the debates, but my understanding is he doesn’t connect well at the handshake level with individual voters the same way Bill Clinton or GW Bush did. I’m an Obama supporter and I feel like Huntsman was the guy most likely to beat Obama in the general, although I agree Romney is fairly formidable. Collectively Republicans do seem to be taking the stance of “we want the most conservative guy we think can beat Obama”, which is a rational position. 2 months ago I would have called Obama vs. Romney a 50-50 proposition, but with the economy improving I see Obama as a bit of a favorite these days.[/quote]
Huntsman is the future of the GOP. The best thing that can happen to the Republicans is for Obama to win again in 2012. I agree that the hard Christian Right will take an immense hit, as well as the Tea Party and the GOP will return from the wilderness in 2016 behind someone like Jon Huntsman.
As thoroughly dysfunctional as the GOP is at present (and it is BAD), the Dems are in worse shape. They are unable to deal with the fact that major systemic and structural changes are necessary, because dealing with them will alienate massive chunks of their base. So, they continue playing the same cards, again and again, instead of focusing on true reform. This last little fiasco with the Defense cuts shows how intransigent the Dems are over true reform on entitlements. Entitlements are the single, largest payout within the budget and this problem is rapidly going terminal.
I like the fact that Huntsman is unapologetic about his views, but still hews to a very conservative line, especially when it comes to a coherent approach on business and taxes.