[quote=poorgradstudent][quote=Veritas]”Americans’ opinion of Obamacare has reached an all-time post-passage low according to the Kaiser Health Tracking poll: only 39% of those surveyed have a favorable view of the law, two points below the previous nadir of 41% first set in May 2010. Forty-four percent of Americans have an unfavorable view.” http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/poll-obamacare-support-all-time-low%5B/quote%5D
Interestingly, “47%, believe the law “won’t make much difference” in their own lives while 31% believe it will help and 14% say it will hurt.” This is probably accurate, as the new law is unlikely to have much impact either way on most of the middle class, help the working class and have a small negative impact on the rich.
Also bear in mind that a portion of those with an unfavorable view of Obamacare are opposed from the Left, those who think it doesn’t go far enough and is a poor substitute for Single Payer. Many of those against Obamacare probably view options floated by the right just as unfavorably or worse.[/quote]
Absolutely. I truly dislike Obamacare, but not because it’s “too socialistic.”