I think Rubio’s biggest issue is the Big Money donors aren’t too impressed with him. I mean, if I was a completely loaded Republican, at this point I’d be tempted to just let Trump or Cruz win the nomination and sink my cash into competitive Senate races. Or maybe even cross my fingers for a brokered convention, where backroom influence goes a long ways.[/quote]
Rubio’s problem is that he has no campaign. He never built one. He’s lazy. He’s always been lazy. He gives a speech. If people like it, he gives it over and over again. Even if he had a campaign, he has nothing to run on. He’s a good looking, young, Hispanic republican. Full stop. That’s what he has. He would have an unlimited supply of insider money if he had anything beyond those attributes, and a campaign. He’s history. His senate seat is up next January. We may never hear from him again.
It’s likely the big republican money will go into the senate races and house races. Either Trump or Cruz will be a huge drag on down-ticket races. A Trump-Cruz ticket (or vice-versa) might cause Republicans to lose both the Senate and the House. It’s unlikely to happen. Cruz hates Trump. Everyone hates Cruz (that’s the one universal truth of this election cycle.) If the nominee comes out of a brokered convention, it’s unlikely to be either of them. My money is on Paul Ryan. He’s owed, big time. And down-ticket races will suffer even more.