All you have to do is listen to Spanish Language media. The opposition to Trump is strong. Don’t understand why the MSM says Nevada is in play.
Any predictions, anyone? Being right makes you a winner. ;)[/quote]
Whatever Nate Silver says.
I think with Nevada the remaining uncertainty is the fact Clinton hasn’t broken 50% in any polls. There are enough undecideds and Gary Johnson voters that if they broke hard for Trump at the end it could flip.
The media is portraying Pennsylvania as in play, but the polls there routinely show Clinton up by about 10. Unless the polls are very wrong, it’s going Clinton.[/quote]poorgradstudent, I just got back late last night from a 2-day/2-night precinct-walking blitz thru Clark County, NV with the Trump CA Strike team, which sent 4 busloads from LA/OC and 2 busloads from OAK to Reno on Friday. A TX Republican PAC generously funded our bus transportation and lodging and another *busload* arrived from CA by private vehicle.
We were warmly welcomed at the Las Vegas Trump HQ with a “Welcome CA Deplorables” sign where we were greeted by several tables of NV volunteers. We were treated to personal appearances by Ben Carson (Sat morn) and Rudy Guiliani (Sun morn) at Trump LV HQ where they were also conducting poll-watcher training meetings for volunteers. I met some great people (a few from SD).
My group of four precinct walkers hit three large subdivisions from Sat to Sun to primarily survey intent to vote. Saturday, our voters were largely Latino residing in a mixture of older tract homes as well as streets with ~1/2 AC lots. On Sunday, we worked solely in a very large over-55 SFR development. All in all, we saw dozens of Trump yard signs and chimney/second-story Trump banners as well as several “crooked Hillary” handmade posters on garage doors. All of the doors who answered to our group members (about 50%) on Saturday were polite and almost none of them had voted yet but intended to on election day. Most knew where their polling place was and a few had to be reminded with a door hanger. A few asked for extra door hangers to give away. Older residents frequently spoke Spanish only but a couple of them nodded enthusiastically when I stated I was a volunteer for the Trump campaign to get out the vote. I was able to speak enough Spanish to ask them if they knew where their polling place was and give them a door hanger with the address. The younger Latino residents also had not voted yet, but intended to. Since we were in the street wearing Trump T-shirts and hats all day, a passel of local Deplorables driving by in pool-service pickups, plumbing vans and landscaping pickups all stopped to give us a thumbs up and thank us for our efforts. So did front desk personnel, waitresses and bellhops. I saw numerous Trump bumper stickers (all over the back of the vehicle, actually) and nicely-outfitted Trump dogs. One voter came out from behind his high-walled backyard and told us that he named his new pitbull pup “Trump.”
In the senior-citizen ‘hood, there were a lot of TV’s going on and we got 3 doors slammed on us …. either they took one look at us and turned about-face or stated they didn’t want to have anything to do with politics (obviously suffering from “election fatigue”). We managed to sway one undecided to vote Trump. The vast majority who answered their doors (~50%) had already made their minds up to vote Trump and half had done so during NV’s 2 early in-person voting weeks in October. The rest already knew where their polling places were and most of this group stated they would vote in the middle of the day (to save time) and took door hangers from us with their polling places on them. One lady told me that her daughter was also precinct walking for Trump and gave her a stack of door hangers which she had been spreading around. On two occasions, the senior-citizen couple got into a fight because (1) the wife said she was only voting Trump cuz her husband wanted her to and (2) the husband took one look at us and told us to get off his property and then his wife ran down the sidewalk after us and wanted a flyer and thanked us for our efforts, lol …..
btw, our ~400-strong CA Strike Team of “Deplorables” consisted of Chinese, Filipino, Taiwanese, a few Russians, Lebanese, Iranians, Hispanics, Caucasians, African Americans and all combinations thereof. We also had 3 attorneys (that I know of) one physician, several nurses, lots of IT people as well as outside salespeople and public school employees. I would say that half of them were “retired.” There was also a NV college-student volunteer group who split up to walk precincts. :=0
We were the second to the last group of the CA Strike Team to leave for home on Sunday and at least 75 NV volunteers were still there at HQ at that time busily calling voters with their mini laptops and headsets.
Oh, and I just learned a few minutes ago from a friend that Longtime Dem Supporter and Donor Steve Wynn has now strongly “intimated” to Fox’s Neil Cavuto this afternoon that he has decided to vote for Trump at the 11th hour …. for a variety of very good reasons. Yes, even though he professes to be longtime friends of Bill and Hill, lol …. I hope his (now public) announcement influences his many thousands of “worker bees” in LV and Reno to likewise vote for Trump.
The “fat lady” has now begun warming up her pipes, folks . . . may the show go on!