[quote=poorgradstudent][quote=no_such_reality]As the old saying goes, follow the money.
Now, which proposition sides are carpet bombing us with expensive political ads? Unless that’s what you want vote the opposite.
No – prop 30.
Yes- prop 32.
Yes- prop 37.
No – prop 38.
I feel carpet bombed from both sides on 30/32. In fact, I think I’ve heard more ads from “No on 30/Yes on 32” than any other source.
I tend to look at which props are being financed almost solely by huge corporate interests and vote against them. That and when in doubt, vote No.[/quote]
We’ve heard far more “Yes on 32” ads than ads for the opposition. I also tend to vote against anything funded by large corporate interests…and very wealthy individuals (like Charles Munger Jr. financing Prop 32/opposing Prop 30). As a single individual, he’s spent more than half of what the unions (representing millions of working people) have spent on the other side of these issues. And he’s trying to make the process even more lopsided as a result of his actions!
Just to be clear, I have no problem with getting ALL money out of politics, but it has to be equal. If labor is shut out completely, then capital must be shut out entirely. No corporate contributions, and more importantly, no INDIVIDUAL contributions or “favors” of any kind should be allowed. No promises of political/business connections, no promises of jobs or other types of income enhancements, no private or public funding of candidates or propositions, nor other favors to be offered now or in the future. We need fair and honest campaign reform, and Prop 32 is as far from honest as one can get.