Political games are very simple to win if you remember that US electorate is ignorant, can’t understand policy decisions unless its real simple like no new taxes, and go for style over substance. “You’re either with us or against us”. That’s why Peggy Noonan was such a good speechwriter because she never focused on the negative and spread message that people are great and we shall overcome any minor obstacle. The dems always complain about something, while repubs love this country. 99% of the popular movies in USA have happy ending. It is virtually impossible for dem to ever win. Billy bob only won because of Perot. The only way dem could win this year is if we have massive recession, which is impossible because Helicopter Ben will always throw out more money which will tide over until next year.
We are electing a class president. Why the heck would we want to elect a foreigner or someone who acts like a foreigner, someone who is Muslim and someone who doesn’t stand at allegiance or respect US flag. Many co-workers spread some of these email “questions” and most get scared.