pokepud3, I may be in your age group, but pay market-rate property taxes. Can I ask you a couple of questions??
1. Did you personally purchase your principal residence =<1978 which has Prop 13 protection, or did your or your spouse’s parent deed it to you in life or leave it to you in death?
2. Are you planning on deeding/leaving your principal residence to your child(ren), thus availing yourself of Prop 58 (the later “progeny of Prop 13” allowing your Prop 13 benefits to be passed onto your child(ren)?
3. If you are planning on leaving it to your children, would your plans be different if Prop 13 (and Prop 58) were not in place (i.e. you would instead sell and retire/move to the river, Lake Tahoe, Guatemala, out of county/state to be near grandchildren, etc)?